New and Newsworthy — country living
More than Just a Tee
Posted by Janice East on
Let me Tell You about the Texas Tee... and Roots
Posted by Janice East on
Support Your Local Farmers and Ranchers - New Tee + Return of Farmers Market!
Posted by Janice East on
So it went like: "Hey Brenna, you got an idea for a farmers market themed tee? I want to do something different from last year and put it on a red bleached tee." "What about something with a red tractor?" "Yes! Oh, yes, yes!! I have a red tractor graphic." "Ok!" We were hanging out at my mother in laws house with my niece Brenna, my husband Jeff, and of course Ms. Karen, my sweet mother in law. We ate supper, hand washed the dishes, played with Sally, our puppy, and finally set down with the computer about 10:00 on...
News and Updates
Posted by Janice East on
Hey Y'all! I know I haven't blogged much lately, but I wanted to stop in and tell you about a few things. We've been as busy as ever, this year and haven't set down long enough at our computer to write many blogpost (sure wish I could easily blog from my phone, like we used to.) We have brought back the Tee of the Week special on our website (not on etsy.) We had the tee of the week special earlier in the year and it went away during the summer, but we are excited to bring it back for...
Small Town America
Posted by Janice East on
This week I listened to a well-known pod-caster talk about time saving things in the new year. I took issue with some of the things that were said. As a small business owner and maker, who the podcast was targeted at, I felt there was some disconnect with how things work here in small-town America. She ask why anyone was still going to the bank, dry cleaners, and many other places... have food and almost everything delivered to you, use online banking and doctor apps, instead of going to an office. Well, on the Rural Route, 12 miles from town,...