New and Newsworthy — tee of the week
GypsyFarmGirl Now at P20 on the Square in Downtown Gilmer and other news!
Posted by Janice East on
News and Updates
Posted by Janice East on
Hey Y'all! I know I haven't blogged much lately, but I wanted to stop in and tell you about a few things. We've been as busy as ever, this year and haven't set down long enough at our computer to write many blogpost (sure wish I could easily blog from my phone, like we used to.) We have brought back the Tee of the Week special on our website (not on etsy.) We had the tee of the week special earlier in the year and it went away during the summer, but we are excited to bring it back for...
I love all things...
Posted by Janice East on
Chances are, if you are a follower here, well you love all these things too! We kind of have a thing for tattered, shabby, cracked, old, chippy, worn, rusty, weathered, and vintage! We took to Facebook and Instagram LIVE to announce this week's new Tee of the Week. Of course, we were in our very rustic, shabby, chippy gazebo to make the announcement this week! Here's a picture of it later in the evening... If you're unfamiliar with our new Tee of the Week deal, we are featuring a different tee for $15 or our website (not etsy shop.) This...